The global eyelash market projects growth of 2.39 billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2027. So if you’re considering a new business, starting a lash line today is a lucrative venture.
5 Basic Steps to Start a Lash Line
1. Conduct eyelash market research.
Assess the current eyelash market to understand who your target customers are. Strive to identify your competitors too. Analyze trends to determine what eyelash products sell and decide on pricing.
2. Decide on your eyelash product line.
Decide whether to focus on one eyelash product line or carry several types. While offering a wide variety is ideal, it may be best to start with one product type if you have limited capital.
3. Find a reliable eyelash wholesale supplier.
Finding the right partner is vital to your business growth. Look for a reputable wholesale lash supplier. Choose one eyelash vendor that offers competitive pricing, stable supply, and high-quality products.
4. Create your own eyelash brand.
Create a unique logo and develop an eyelash brand image to differentiate your brand from others. They will enhance brand recognition and set you apart from the rest.
5. Develop a eyelash marketing strategy.
Craft a strategy based on your market research. Aside from creating a responsive website, use channels popular with your target market. You can also leverage social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.